Purchasing this will give you access to use the asexual hearts tag. This is a chat tag that will show before your username when you type something in chat. To equip tags that you own use /tags in game.
You may only have 1 tag equipped at a time!
Purchasing this will give you access to use the bisexual hearts tag. This is a chat tag that will show before your username when you type something in chat. To equip tags that you own use /tags in game.
You may only have 1 tag equipped at a time!
Purchasing this will give you access to use the gay hearts tag. This is a chat tag that will show before your username when you type something in chat. To equip tags that you own use /tags in game.
You may only have 1 tag equipped at a time!
Purchasing this will give you access to use the lesbian hearts tag. This is a chat tag that will show before your username when you type something in chat. To equip tags that you own use /tags in game.
You may only have 1 tag equipped at a time!
Purchasing this will give you access to use the nonbinary hearts tag. This is a chat tag that will show before your username when you type something in chat. To equip tags that you own use /tags in game.
You may only have 1 tag equipped at a time!
Purchasing this will give you access to use the transgender hearts tag. This is a chat tag that will show before your username when you type something in chat. To equip tags that you own use /tags in game.
You may only have 1 tag equipped at a time!
Purchasing this will give you access to use the unlabeled hearts tag. This is a chat tag that will show before your username when you type something in chat. To equip tags that you own use /tags in game.
You may only have 1 tag equipped at a time!
Purchasing this will give you access to use the pansexual hearts tag. This is a chat tag that will show before your username when you type something in chat. To equip tags that you own use /tags in game.
You may only have 1 tag equipped at a time!
Purchasing this will give you access to use the aromantic hearts tag. This is a chat tag that will show before your username when you type something in chat. To equip tags that you own use /tags in game.
You may only have 1 tag equipped at a time!